LAS Withdrawal of Securities
Unit: All India HDFC BANK Branches, Head Office - Mumbai
July 05, 2024
Applicable for Withdrawal of Securities
Request type
Name of the Customer
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Facility Account Number
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Type of Withdrawal
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Nature of Security
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Folio Number-1 ( For 100% Units )
Answer Here
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Scheme Name of the Folio-1 (for Withdrawal)
Answer Here
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Folio Number-2 ( For 100% Units )
Answer Here
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Scheme Name of the Folio-2 (for Withdrawal)
Enter numerics
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Folio Number-3 ( For 100% Units )
Enter numerics
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Scheme Name of the Folio-3 (for Withdrawal)
Enter text
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Folio Number-4 ( For 100% Units )
Answer Here
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Scheme Name of the Folio-4 (for Withdrawal)
Answer Here
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Folio Number-5 ( For 100% Units )
Answer Here
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Scheme Name of the Folio-5 (for Withdrawal)
Answer Here
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Folio Number-6 ( For 100% Units )
Enter numerics
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Scheme Name of the Folio-6 (for Withdrawal)
Answer Here
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Folio Number-7 ( For 100% Units )
Enter numerics
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Scheme Name of the Folio-7 (for Withdrawal)
Answer Here
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Folio Number-8 ( For 100% Units )
Answer Here
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Scheme Name of the Folio-8 (for Withdrawal)
Answer Here
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NSC - KVP - Security numbers ( You can also give Range From - To ) Ex:123456 to 123459 or 123456,123458,123459
Answer Here
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Insurance Policy Number ( You can also give range From - To policy number ) Ex:123456 to 123459 or 123456,123458,123459
Answer Here
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Answer Here
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Client ID
Answer Here
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ISIN NO of the first Dematted security
Answer Here
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Description of the Security
Answer Here
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ISIN of the Second Dematted security
Answer Here
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Description of Second Dematted Security
Answer Here
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ISIN No of the Third Dematted Security
Answer Here
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Name of the third Dematted Security
Answer Here
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ISIN of the Fourth Dematted Security
Answer Here
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Description of the Fourth Dematted Security
Answer Here
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Authorised Signatory
Constitution of the Customer
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Name as per Aadhaar of Individual /First Partner /First Authorised Signatory / Karta
Enter text
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Mobile Number of the Individual / First Partner / First Authorised Signatory Karta
Answer Here
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Email ID of the Individual / First Partner / First Authorised Signatory / Karta
Enter email address
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Name of the Second Partner / Second Authorised Signatory /Joint Holder as per Aadhaar
Enter text
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Mobile Number of the Second Partner / Second Authorised Signatory / Joint Holder
Answer Here
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Email of the Second Partner / Second Authorised Signatory / Joint Holder
Enter email address
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Name of the Third Partner / Third Authorised Signatory
Enter text
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Mobile Name of the Third Partner / Third Authorised Signatory
Answer Here
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Email ID of the Third Partner / Third Authorised Signatory
Enter email address
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I Agree & Authorize HDFC BANK Ltd and its representatives to contact me by phone, e-mail,SMS with respect to Services,Products,Facilities applied here
I confirm that HDFC BANK will not be held liable for any delay in processing Lien removal request from AMC / RTA.
I hereby Confirm that the facility account is duly funded including Interest Till date and Charges as per Schedule of Charges mentioned in the Bank
Re-assignments / Lien removal on NSC / KVP is the responsibility of the customer
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